Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Milk Powder Candies

Sometimes things don't work out as well as you would hope, but still taste good. This was one recipe was one of those. I almost gave up on it, but am glad I decided not to. My attempt at these candies turned out more like patties than balls, and I have no idea why, but they still tasted good.

Mix together powdered milk and powdered sugar. I let M. help with this step.

Then stir in coconut milk until moist and doughy. Then form the dough into 1” balls and roll into sugar. Place the balls on wax paper and refrigerate until firm.

If desired, you can add food coloring to your sugar to have colored sugar to roll the balls in instead of white sugar, like I did for some of mine.

Milk Powder Candies
3 cups powdered milk
1 lb. powdered sugar
¾ cup canned coconut milk
White sugar
Food coloring (optional)

1. Combine powdered milk and sugar in a bowl.
2. Stir in coconut milk until moist and doughy.

3. Form balls (about 1” each) and roll in sugar. Place balls on wax paper and refrigerate.

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