Saturday, March 1, 2014

Popcorn Balls

My sister gave us a popcorn maker for Christmas so that we could pop our own popcorn for our weekly Friday night movie night.  Sometimes we stay home and watch something on Netflix and sometimes we go to our local drive-in.  So this week I decided to break out the new popcorn machine and pop some popcorn.  I followed the instructions and made 6 quarts.  We ate almost half of it during the movies between D., M., and myself.  I decided to use the last 6 cups of popcorn and some mini marshmallows I had in the cupboard and make some popcorn balls.  They were very quick and easy to throw together (like Rice Krispie treats).

First, I wanted the popcorn to be warm, so I stuck it in the oven at 200 degrees while I made the marshmallow mixture.

In a large saucepan, I melted my butter over medium-high heat.

Then I added the marshmallows, stirring often until melted.

I then removed the popcorn from the oven and poured it into a large bowl and drizzled the marshmallow mixture over top. Then I mixed it well to ensure all the popcorn was covered.

I buttered my hands (actually I sprayed them with PAM, but you can grease them with butter too).  Then I formed the popcorn into 10 balls that were about 2.5-3 inches in diameter.

I wrapped each ball in plastic wrap and used a twisty tie to hold them closed until we were ready to eat them.

Easy Popcorn Balls
6 cups popcorn
3 Tbsp. butter
2.5 cups mini marshmallows
Optional Mix-ins:  nuts, candies, etc.

1.  Keep popcorn warm in 200 degree oven while making marshmallow mixture.
2.  Melt butter in large saucepan over medium-high heat.
3.  Add mini marshmallows to butter and stir often until melted.
4.  Remove popcorn from oven and drizzle marshmallow mixture over top.
5.  Grease hands with butter or PAM and form popcorn into balls.
6.  OPTIONAL:  Can add nuts, candies, etc. if desired before forming into balls.

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