Saturday, February 22, 2014

Banana Split Ice Cream Pizza

I love banana split sundaes.  The combination of the ice cream with the bananas, and the different toppings, including nuts, sprinkles, chocolate and caramel sauce, whipped cream, and of course a cherry on top.  Well, I've had an idea in my head for a while to try to make a dessert pizza that would be inspired by an ice cream sundae, so I created it.  It was so delicious and the best part is that everyone eating can top it however they want!  Here are some examples of the finished slices:

First I made the cookie crust by breaking up a roll of Pillsbury Sugar Cookie dough and pressing it evenly onto a greased pizza pan.

Then, I baked the crust for 15-20 minutes at 350 degrees or until it was golden brown.  I then let it cool for about 30 minutes until it was completely cool.

After it had cooled, I spread my softened ice cream onto the crust and put it in the freezer until the ice cream was hard and we were ready to eat.  (Apparently I didn't put it in flat, because as you can see in the picture the ice cream slid to one side before refreezing.  Oops.)  Then, I used a pizza cutter to cut it into 8 equal slices.

Then everyone topped their own slice with the toppings of their choice.  I forgot to have sprinkles available, but we had chopped nuts, chocolate syrup, caramel syrup, banana slices, whipped cream, and maraschino cherries.

Banana Split Ice Cream Pizza
1 roll Pillsbury Sugar Cookie Dough
2-3 cups vanilla ice cream, softened
Bananas, sliced
Chopped nuts
Chocolate syrup
Caramel syrup
Whipped cream
Maraschino cherries

1.  Break up cookie dough and spread on well-greased pizza pan.  Bake at 350 degrees for 15-20 minutes, or until golden brown.
2.  Let crust cool completely, about 30 minutes.  When crust is almost cool, remove ice cream from freezer so it can soften.
3.  Spread softened ice cream on cookie crust and place flat in freezer to refreeze ice cream.  
4.  Remove pizza from freezer just before serving and slice.
5.  Each person can top their slice the way they want with their desired toppings.

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