Sunday, February 2, 2014

Valentine's Foods - Heart-Shaped Breakfast

When I was a kid, I loved what my siblings and I called "Toad in the Road".  It was a piece of bread with a hole cut in and an egg cooked in the hole.  The yolk of the egg was still runny, and we loved dipping the bread in the runny egg yolk.  I decided to make a Valentine "Toad in the Road" by cutting the hole in the center with a heart-shaped cookie cutter.  I also tried to shape our bacon into a heart, but it didn't hold the shape very well, as I'll show later.

Like I said, first I used a cookie cutter to cut a heart out of the bread, and then I buttered the front and back of both the heart, and the piece of bread with the hole.

After placing the bread on the griddle, I cracked an egg inside the hole.

When the first side was golden brown and the egg was cooked on that side, I flipped it and let it cook on the other side.  I even toasted the hearts on the griddle as well to get a golden brown crispiness on both sides.

As mentioned earlier, I tried to shape our bacon like a heart, by folding it on the griddle.

However, when I tried to flip it to cook the other side, most of them fell apart, or if I tried to cook it long enough to be hard in the shape, the bacon ended up burnt.

Heart-Shaped Breakfast

1. Cut a hole in the bread with a heart-shaped cookie cutter.
2. Butter both sides of the heart and the bread with the hole.
3. Crack an egg inside the hole once the bread is on the grill.
4. Cook the first side until the egg is cooked on that side and the bread is golden brown.
5. Cook the second side until cooked and golden brown. The egg yolk should still be runny once poked.
6. Cook bacon. If desired, you can try to fold it to look like a heart, but I didn't have luck cooking my bacon keeping it shaped like a heart without burning it.

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