Monday, February 24, 2014

Citrus Blast Smoothie

M., A., and I all caught a cold recently, so I decided to share this delicious smoothie with you.  D. and I love it because it's healthy and full of Vitamin C at the same time.  M. loves it because it's "juice", which he would drink all day if I'd let him.

I found a frozen fruit mix that I love at Walmart that contained pineapples, strawberries, peaches, mangos, and bananas.  You can make your own frozen fruit mix like this by cutting fresh fruits and freezing on a baking sheet lined with wax paper.  When fruits are individually frozen, remove from the baking sheet and place in ziploc bags until ready to use.

Combine fruits, and orange juice in blender and blend until smooth.  Adjust thickness of smoothie by adding more or less juice to achieve your desired thickness.

Citrus Blast Smoothie
2 cups frozen fruit mixture (pineapples, strawberries, peaches, mangos, and bananas)
1 cup orange juice

1.  Combine frozen fruit mixture and orange juice in blender.  Blend until smooth.
2.  Add more juice if thinner smoothie is desired.  Add less juice if thicker smoothie is desired.

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