Saturday, January 18, 2014

Oven S'mores

One of my favorite treats in the summer is s'mores with the marshmallows roasted over a campfire. However, right now, even here in Florida, it is cold outside. But I still felt like having s'mores, since they are a nice warm treat and of course they contain chocolate, and like I mentioned earlier in the week, I love chocolate. So I decided to make s'mores in the oven. They are just as delicious, unless you like your marshmallows for your s'mores to be a little burnt. I find it hard to get them burnt unless they are too melted.

I just place a graham cracker on a baking sheet for each number of s'mores desired. Then I place half a Hershey's chocolate bar on each graham cracker. Then I put a marshmallow on top of the chocolate bar.

Then I baked them in the oven at 350 degrees for 5-10 minutes until marshmallows are starting to melt and golden brown on the top. Then I place another graham cracker on the top of each s'more and they are ready to eat.

Oven S'mores
Graham Crackers
Hershey's bars

1. Place ingredients on baking sheet in order: graham cracker, chocolate, marshmallow.
2. Bake in oven at 350 degrees for 5-10 minutes until marshmallows start to melt and turn golden brown on the top.
3. Place an additional graham cracker on the top and enjoy!

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